Director’s Message

Inspire Ignite and Instill
“Education is not the filling of a bucket but the lighting of a fire,” said W B Yeats, the famous 20th century Irish poet. Educators play a big role in molding the lives of students. A good educator does not conform to a mould but goes beyond it to empower his/her students to become the people they are meant to be in the world. As educators we try to follow the three “I’s”.
Inspire: Inspire to aspire. In the age of standardized testing, it is necessary to remain inspired. Inspiration is not just knowledge but it is about emotional connections. The learner gets emotionally connected to the educator (teacher/s). Teacher/s and students need to be connected on a personal level to generate the required motivation.
Ignite: Ignite passion for learning. Educators see the hunger in their students’ eyes. As educators, they create an environment that drives passion to do great things in life. Martin Luther once said, “Every thing that is done in the world is done by hope”. As good educators we also ignite hope in the students to explore and fulfill their potentials. Hope is like a seed. It can grow, bloom and flourish. It can be a great force that impacts the world.
Instill: Instill creativity. It is often assumed that creativity is an inborn talent. No, creativity has to be instilled. Educators foster creativity by following self expression and giving room for imagination. They encourage innovations and allow the learners to have different approaches in learning. They provide them with ample time and space to be creative.
Wishing you all the very best!
Dr. Sara George Muthoot
St. George’s School and Paul George Global School